
Industrial vacuum cleaners

The efficient specialists for dust-free and healthy sanding.


Distinguishing dust types

Health hazardous dust types develop during sanding that can provoke coughing, asthma or bronchitis. Only high quality industrial vacuum cleaners are reliable enough to efficiently remove such dust. Following the international EC 60 335-2-69 norm, dust is classified into three different types: L, M and H. The Employers Liability Insurance Association will inform you about which dust type can develop at your specific work place. Dust types are distinguished using so called MAK values that assign the maximum legal concentration at a workplace (in mg/m³) that does not lead to health problems even in case of long term exposure. The lower the MAK value, the more dangerous the dust type.


Dust Class L

MAK value > 1 mg/m³

Nonhazardous dust types such as sand, cement, earth or pebble stone


Dust Class M

MAK value > 0,1 mg/m³

Mineral dust types as well as birch, beech, oak and fir wood dust


Dust Class H

MAK value ≤ 0,1 mg/m³

Health hazardous dust types such as asbestos, mineral fibers, glass wool, mould or minerals containing silica

Industrial vacuum cleaners and suction technology

Our industrial vacuum cleaners have been especially optimized for dry wall construction and in combination with sanding machines allow for a nearly dust free work environment. The development of dust and dirt particles constitutes one of the most important health hazards in dry wall construction. This is why longneck sanders and dry wall sanders are connected to industrial vacuum cleaners for reducing dust development.